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From : 
"Emma Andrews" <>
To :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Subject : 
where are the Andes?
Date : 
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 23:33:41 +0000
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At the end of your armies!!! ha ha ha
sorry about that, it`s just one of those things that has to be done every
now and then you know?
ok, anyway, I am here in the Andes (believe it or not) and oh my god!  It is
seriously beuatiful here.  The two germans I met on the tour in Puerto
Madryn came with me and we got the most uncomfortable bus here which stopped
in the most bizarre places in the most bizarre times! In patagonia there are
huge distances without anything in between and somwhat illogically the bus
driver chose to stop for an hours break in a shack with only a few Gauchos
(Argentine cowboys) waiting around for no apparant reason at 5 in the
morning instead of waiting until at least 7 or 8 when people were awake.
Anyway by that time we had gone through the pampas, totally utterly
unrelentlessly flat and desertlike and had finally begun to enter the Andes.
Well, all I could think of was geography books at school with these images
of the Andes and they seemed like such another wonderful world and I could
barely believe I was here.
We stopped in a place called El Bolson and it was beautiful, we were so
closet to getting off the bus here but it was too late by the time we  had
discussed it.  As we pulled into Bariloche, where we were to disembark we
began to regret not having got off the bus as it seemed like this was going
to be a dirty city with loads of ramshakle houses etc.  but as the bus
neared the lake (Bariloche lies in the national park of Nahuel Huapi and
surrounds a 100km glacial lake) we realised we had made the right decision.
IN Puerto Madryn I met a swiss woman who told me there was an old INdian
saying that goes "when you are travelling, sometimes you need to give your
soul time to catch up"  At the time I didnt really give this much
consideration but as we drove around the lake it went round and round my
head.  This was where my soul needed time to catch up.
We fuond a hostel about 5 km out of the town in a place calld Playa Bonita,
the first beach the lake has past the town and really truly beuatiful.
It is cold here but fresh, the air is full of the scent of pine, everyone is
so friendly and will stop their cars in the street to make sure you are
going in the correct direction, the lake is surrounded by huge mountains
some snowcapped, others with all their trees turning red orange and yellow,
(it is the beginning of autumn here).
Today Maya ad Torsten (the german couple) and I went white water rafting.
It was the first time for all of us and we were told the river was about a
level 4 which was pretty exciting as rafting goes apparantly!  It was bloody
freezing but I loved every minute! THere was one poit when the guy told us
that there was a good chance the raft would flip on the next rapid and that
loadws of others would get into the water before just to get used to
floating downstream int eh safe position, so like sheep we all flipped
ourselves in and it was so cold my breath caught in my chest!  I had my
trainers on which were the only shoes I had with me as the others were in Bs
As and it was so cold but so invigorating (I only aprreciated this after I
got back in the boat though!)  a few more kms down stream ( we went 15kms in
the end!) there was a rock 8metres high whihc we climbed and jumped off
again into the icy cold water.  What a rush!
Afterwards we were treated to a ginormous BBQ, I was worried there mght not
be enough food for me without all the masses of argentine meat, could I BE
more wrong? Maya and I both were shoeless and blue toed as we hadnt bought
spare shoes stupidos!
Tomorrow we are going horse riding ( Ihope I dont feel the pain too much!)
my shoes are drying out on the heater right now and are sizzling like bacon,
no doubt they'll fall off ym feet while I`m riding!
THis place really is something else, the houses are all alpine and you could
really spend forever here just climbing mountains and walking and swimming
and everything!
anyway I love you all and I`ll speak to you all soon, hope all is well back
there, despite all this I am really looking forward to being back home this
summer!  thinking of you all
take care
tons of love

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