Hi Geo,

  I'm sending you another picture from one of the "very English BBQ" we have here sometimes.  A friend of a friend of mine (the guy in the picture) was in Cambridge for the weekend.  I like the picture very much, because it's how I live.  
  Old buildings, little old houses with nice gardens.  I reckon that's one of the many things I'm going to miss when I leave: the atmosphere you get at places like the one on the picture...

   "being happy & having fun
between walls with history.  They
tell you stories about another time,
better or worse, I don't know."

  Things are pretty hectic over here.  I have so many things to do, so many people to see & so many things to celebrate, that I feel I am loosing control.  It's scary, but a very healthy thing, if that makes any sense...  I am going to town now, buying fruits & veggies.  It's a perfect time for it because the England vs. Denmark soccer match has just kicked off which means that the entire English nation is glued to the tellies... -Sylvia Erhardt, Germany  


The PHOTOhype Project, Est. 1997
Written By: Sylvia Erhardt
Team Germany
E-mail: se226@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk