Don't ask me how it happened, but The PHOTOhype ended up in San Diego 4 the second straight year
this Halloween.  The Hype Team & I stayed @ The OBI in the hippie community of Ocean Beach, as well as
USAhostels in downtown San Diego with it's rich night life in the heart of the world famous gas lamp district.

  "The night began with a cool
BBQ party, a keg of beer & a full on
make-up session
by The OBI hostel
manager, Ann-Dee West."

She wore this Dracula/Witch outfit, which
I must say, was pretty impressive.

Backpacker: Vincent Marz & The Funk Soul Bros.  |  Downtown San Diego, CA

Her fangs craved some human blood, so being "The Flirt" that I am, I generously offered her my neck, cheeks
& lips as a means of resource.  She decided 2 paint my face instead.
  Downtown - The clubs were nice & the streets
were jam packed with ghouls, goblins & witches of all makes & models.  Dr. Death & his henchmen escorted a
few lost souls 2 their final resting place, while The Hype Team & I shot the entire unearthly event!

I started out as a skeleton & ended up becoming a character from the movie: Dead Presidents.  "The Kidd" & "The Don"
spent a whopping $6.50 for some make-up & earrings & transformed themselves into 2 Blue Babies"The Jock", on the
other hand, drank so much red wine that he was instantly christened The Drunk SUPERhero: Wobble John.

click on a picture for
more Halloween stories
Stuart Pollington as The Kidd Mike Andrews as The Don Photographer: Geo D. Oliver as The Flirt John Stonell as The Jock  click on a picture for
more Halloween stories