A few months later, I was invited to a birthday party for Raj, a British property analyst, Des, a South African Chef & Basia,
a Polish Biotechnology student.  It was a formal event in which everyone had to wear a dress, blazer or collared shirt.

"A quick €5 euro trip to the second
hand shop turned two Aussie travellers
& I into a backpacker version of Playboy’s
Hugh Hefner & Miami Vice’s
Crocket & Tubbs."

Tej Panesar & Marzena Orleczka
Raj & Marzena
Geo D. Oliver & Alicja Witek
Geo & Alicja
Michael Foltz from The Stranger Hostel
Michael Foltz

Everyone was with their circle of friends & when you put all of us together, we looked like Krakow’s version of the
“six degrees of separation” theory - my friends happen to be Raj, Des or Basia’s friends too
. [ Next: page 4 ]

Lost in Krakow  |  Written By: Geo D. Oliver, Alaska for the Spring issue of [ Packed Magazine ]  Photograph © GEOhype, Alaska
PHOTO:  Sara Jankowski with Australian travellers Eaghon "Hugh Hefner" Jones & Miyan "Crocket" Mears-Dagan