August, 1994:

I was working for the FOX affiliate in Anchorage, Alaska.  They threw me in the cellar with the Master Control Operator & the very first thing I did was push the start button to play The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

December, 1997:

I joined the infamous monster crew on the final episodes of Power Rangers Turbo & went all the way 'til the end of the next series, Power Rangers in Space.  By far, my greatest memory was the time we (2nd unit) spent 3 days in the desert.   It was hot, but the energy level among the crew & everybody there was great!  Let's see...

About 6 cars (including mine) got a flat tire before the end of day 1.  Sleeping Jon's car broke down & he didn't make it back to the hotel (30 miles away) until after midnight (everybody left the set pretty darn fast.  Sleeping Jon was always a slacker).  Arsen scared off the girls at the local Wal-Mart with his harsh New Yorker accent: "Yo, can I get the digits or what?"

Everybody woke up late for the next day.  Some new guy (by accident) got left behind at the hotel & a small, but powerful, whirlwind blew all of our equipment off into the horizon...

MMPR me Q-tron.JPG (24702 bytes)


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Stephanie's eye                                                                     Down Time


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The Piranha-Trons


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Jason Monster                            Darkonda (unmasked)                                 P-Trons


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Geo as The Coral Monster, while filming for a week at Melody Ranch, California

Photographer: The Costume Girl


Don't forget to visit Pamela Johnson's Dance Studio.  I met Pamela Johnson while MMPR was on location
in Newhall, California & they invited us over for a certified cool night of rhythm dancing.