Dear Sammy-

I think the most important & perhaps the best part of your web site was the profile page you did on all the "Crazy
.  Why?  Because it represents "team work" & that is something I don't have.  Maybe, one of these days, I'll
be on that train ride to Amsterdam, exchanging ideas with my crew.  We'll laugh, chat a little & edit each others work.

  At the 1st stop (Paris), two crew members exit
the train - camera & laptop in hand.  1 crew
member checks into a youth hostel, while the
other is picked up by an old Vegas friend
she met a few months back.

"Just because we're a team,
doesn't mean that we have to shoot
or explore the world together."

I'm off to Belgium, a country the guide
book wrote off to be dull & boring, yet it
was there that I was able to find some
amazing beauty among my friends.

Franziska Graf
Czech Micky
Aussie Backpackers

I found a DJ, computer freak, mechanic, show promoter, loving girlfriend & three beautiful triplets.  two party-til-you-drop
guys join the group for two nights & I never saw them sleep!  It's the beginning of a beautiful story, sitting inside a
beautiful location called: Café La Fête.  And when I'm finished here, maybe in a week or two, I'll meet up with my
crew, again.  Maybe they'll be on the train ride to Amsterdam or maybe they're off to Germany, Poland & beyond. 
Ah, who cares.  They'll e-mail me later & we'll meet up one day, soon. [end dream]
. -Geo D. Oliver, Alaska

Peter D'Hondt, Belgium & Chris Hann, England  |  Antwerpen, Belgium  |  Photo By: Geo D. Oliver, Alaska