Have you ever spent a day when you are not all there?  Friday afternoon, I wandered around [ Ocean Beach ]
with a hangover of massive proportions.  I was definitely not all there.  Then, I bumped into 3 guys from the hostel,
who I'd met the night before.
  It was Geo, Ric & this crazy Brazilian backpacker named Rafael Gilliam.

"They too had left there minds
somewhere at the bottom of an empty
bottle of bourbon the night before."

They invited me to join them out on the rocks,
although the words "on the rocks" made my stomach
turn - their invitation sounded quite interesting.  After
passing a lot of sand carvings, we squeezed through
this narrow passageway which led to "The Cliff".

Ric Higgins aka LostBoyBlue

Duncan Shouler of England
Duncan Shouler

 Rafael Gilliam of Brazil
Rafael Gilliam

Now whether it was something to do with my state of mind, I don't know, but "The Cliff" was talking to me.  "Think you
can make it?  Think you've got
what it takes?  Well, do ya, Punk?".  As tempting as it was, I felt safer with [ my feet firmly
on the ground
.  Besides, someone had to take the photograph - seeing these so-called photographers ran out of film.
No, I didn't jump.  Neither did Ric or Rafael.  However, Geo had other ideas.
-Duncan Shouler of England

The sand carvings were the markings of others that had also wandered this way...
Sand Carvings
There was definitely something mysterious about the narrow passage & its aura of light...
The Passage
I walked into the mouth of  the cave & thought how easy it was...
The Flood
Was this a warning from the gods or simply there by chance?
Other Side
Rafael waved at us from the other side.  He must have gone up a different route...
2nd Thoughts
No, I didn't jump.  Neither did Ric or Rafael.  However, Geo had other ideas...
The Jump

Written By: Duncan Shouler of England & Ric Higgins of San Diego  |  Quote By:  Alex Clancy of Wales
© PHOTOhype.com   |  
Photographs By:  Duncan Shouler, Ric Higgins & Geo D. Oliver