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In the
beginning, I was just your normal non-travel hungry
American. However, my
interactions with the travellers @ the youth
hostels is what turned me into a photographer,
webmaster &
ultimately, a backpacker. Most definitely, I have no regrets.

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Living in hostels & meeting people from all
around the world was a cool experience.
One of my best times was moving around Ireland
taking pictures, talking with the islanders,
Guinness, listening to Celtic music & enjoying the rain. -Cristina

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I am a fanatic backpacker. I have lived in communism,
socialism & democracy, so I have
the vision to see the grace in
everything. I am dying to be able to shoot real people in real
showing the real beautiful face of them & of their
unique environment & time in the world. -Chaba

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It’s sometimes hard to explain what it is like to go
travelling, to express the connection
you feel with the others you meet. Everyone sharing a passion for
adventure, exploration & fun.
Hostelling, as I found out, is one of the most important parts of the