Hi Geo,

  I've been browsing through your web page for almost an hour now & can't get rid of the terrible feeling
that I left more behind than just a city & a hostel, when I left The LVBP!  In Vegas, I saw the beauty of the beast.
I sucked in the atmosphere, which was electrified with loads of positive vibes that made me laugh & cry.
Laugh, because I'd never been that happy before & cry because, I knew I'd have to leave.

"I've met the most brilliant
& interesting people at The LVBP
& they all treated me like
one of their friends."

I spent my days at the pool & my nights on
The Strip, either joining The Limo Tour or
hanging out with "gorgeous guys".


Before I went there, I was told that 1 day was enough to fully experience Las Vegas.  When I left with tears
in my eyes, I knew they were wrong & had never been to The LVBP.  I think the days & nights I spent with you,
Chris Apgar, Tom Sullivan, the "moustache guy" & all the others changed my outlook on life & gave me
more than I'd ever dared to think.  Every time you update your web site, I like it more!

"You make it possible to dig deeper & deeper into a complex world of art & emotions."

It's these people who REALLY make the world go round!  You have a great talent for seeing them & combining everything
into a very personal form of art that makes me feel like I knew all these guys, yet, I have only seen pictures of them.

Written By: Alice Keating, Austria  |  The PHOTOhype Project, Est. 1997  |  Photograph By: ____________