Linzi Williams, UK
GH Linzi Williams 3b.jpg (23987 bytes)




-Linzi is a featured writer 4 The GLOBALhype Project-

Grem's Horse

Grem's Fish

Grem's Friends

"Oh, What A Night!": Linzi writes about her 1st time in Vegas!

FREE accommodations: Linzi's letter 2 The Adventures of Josh & Jules


click on logo 2 exit


Linzi Williams  ·  Team Wales  ·  |  E-mail:

Looking 4 a place 2 stay?

Make your reservations today!

GEOhype PHOTOGRAPHY aka (1997-2002).  All images, letters & stories are copyrighted 2 GEOhype PHOTOGRAPHY & Geo Communications Design (1991-2002).    Nothing on this site is 2  be reproduced without written permission from Geo D. Oliver. is a very large & hyper-linked site.  If you dig deep enough, you find the coolest stories, photographs & out-takes from my life with The Hype!